We stock a wide range of well made wooden Religious Icons.
Icon is the Greek word for image, and many of our Icons are made in Greece.
All the icons are made from wood and are either wall hanging or self standing.
Our Holy Family icon show Jesus, Mary and Joseph, and in the Christian tradition this is a very well known and popular image.
Many of the icons of Jesus Christ are known as Christ Pantocrator, or Christ the Teacher and show Christ holding an open book.
The images of Our Lady and the Child Jesus, with many depicting Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, are probably our most popular icon, perfect for hanging on a wall or standing on a mantlepiece.
The Holy Trinity icon is belived to have been painted by the Russian artist Rublev in the 15th century, and is often given as a house warming present to depict hospitality.
The icon of Christ's Last Supper, is a depiction of Christ's last meal with his 12 disciples. Often given as a gift for a First Holy Communion, this wood icon is designed to hang on the wall.
The St George icon, shows him defeating the dragon. St George was a soldier in the Roman army and is the patron St of England, and also many other countries, with Georgia named after him.
The Annunciation icon depicts the moment the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary saying that she would become the mother of Jesus, it was the moment Jesus became incarnate, Jesus becomes man.
The icon of the crucifixion depicts Christ's death on the cross on Good Friday. At the scene on the hill of Golgotha is Christ's mother, Mary and his 'favourite' disciple, John.